Treatments Designed for Your Lifestyle.
SOLUtion Medical is a specialty pharmaceutical company with a fully integrated supply chain for reconstitution products. Our proprietary delivery device portfolio affords patients, caregivers, and clinicians drug delivery options to fit within their lifestyles at home and in multiple healthcare settings.
Our Products
Prefilled Syringes and Auto-injectors for
Lifestyle-Ready Drug Delivery
SOLUtion was initially founded to solve the challenge of adrenal crisis, where the current standard of care simply doesn’t work for real-world life-threatening situations. Our first solutions, the TwistJECT™ Prefilled Syringe and Auto-injector, are intuitive treatments for adrenal crisis that compress a 14-step process into simple and easy-to-use solutions.
The average cost per hospitalization for those facing adrenal crisis is $28K. ²
Those facing adrenal crisis are about 2.5x more likely to be admitted to the hospital due to lack of effective self-injection. ¹
Those admitted to the hospital due to adrenal crisis who don’t receive prompt treatment are about 2x more likely to require ICU treatment. ¹
SO, What Now?
From Prefilled Syringe
to Auto-injection.
SOLUtion has created the dual-chamber (powder and diluent) TwistJECT™ Prefilled Syringe. This advanced technology simplifies powder and diluent filling across our portfolio, and we expect to leverage our prefilled syringe in both manual and automated versions across all of the indications supported by our pipeline. Most important, this latest development affords patients, caregivers, and clinicians device options to fit within their workflows—and lifestyles—in multiple healthcare environments and in the home.
Images of TwistJECT™ Prefilled Syringe and Auto-injector are renders. Devices are not yet FDA approved or finalized.
Lifestyle-Driven, not
When it comes to adrenal crisis, the current standard of care is not only unacceptable, but the burden of treatment can often dictate a patient's lifestyle, keeping them from living life to the fullest extent. However, adrenal crisis—and the resulting cost—is just the tip of the iceberg. Today, there are numerous indications where existing treatment options can be anywhere from inconvenient to downright burdensome.
We’re setting out to change that by building a platform to develop and administer treatments that work for real patients in the real world.
Images of TwistJECT™ Prefilled Syringe and Auto-injector are renders. Devices are not yet FDA approved or finalized.
Our Vision
A Platform to Simplify
Drug Delivery
What began as a quest to build a better solution for people like Julia has evolved into an incredible opportunity to revolutionize how drugs are developed and delivered. Our unique approach to drug and device development is empowering us to bring new treatments to patients who have had to adapt their lifestyles to fit their treatments—until now.
Our team is currently working on applying everything we learned to develop the TwistJECT™ products into potential solutions for mental health and fertility, among many other indications with complex and burdensome treatments.
Julia Anthony, Founder & CSO launched SOLUtion not because she wanted to, but because she had to.
The Need
Adrenal crisis is a life-threatening medical emergency, associated with a high mortality unless it is appropriately recognized and early treatment is rendered. Despite it being a treatable condition for almost 70 years, failure of adequate preventive measures or delayed treatment has often led to unnecessary deaths.¹
Adrenal Crisis: Still deadly in the 21st century.
Our Network
Collaboration by Design.
Designed by Collaboration.
We believe that the only way to design and develop better treatments for patients is to let them inform the design process right from the very beginning. We’re grateful to our robust network of collaborators who have helped bring the TwistJECT™ products to life throughout every step of the process, and are now foundational to the SOLUtion journey.
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia • JLABS • Pituitary Foundations (UK AND Ireland)
Looking Forward
The TwistJECT™ Prefilled Syringe and Auto-injector are major milestones for drug reconstitution, but just the first step in our journey towards building lifestyle-driven treatments for all.
Our Team
Meet the People at the Heart of SOLUtion
Help Us Help Those
Awaiting A Solution.
Whether you’re an investor looking to get involved or learn more about our progress, a biopharma/medical device company seeking solutions for your products, or a patient hoping to inform the development of solutions for your needs, we’d love to hear from you. Please complete this form, and we’ll be in touch.
REFERENCES: 1. Burger-Stritt S, Kardonski P, Pulzer A, Meyer G, Quinkler M, Hahner S. Management of adrenal emergencies in educated patients with adrenal insufficiency-A prospective study. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2018;89(1):22-29. doi:10.1111/cen.13608 2. Gunnarsson C, Ryan MP, Marelli C, et al. Health care burden in patients with adrenal insufficiency. J Endocr Soc. 2017;1(5):512-523. Published 2017 Apr 12. doi:10.1210/js.2016-1064 3. Puar TH, Stikkelbroeck NM, Smans LC, Zelissen PM, Hermus AR. Adrenal Crisis: Still a Deadly Event in the 21st Century. Am J Med. 2016 Mar;129(3):339.e1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2015.08.021. Epub 2015 Sep 9. PMID: 26363354.